Gallup: Workers Staying in Unwanted Job for Health Insurance Benefits, by Ethnicity and Income

  1. All U.S. workers: 16%
  2. Black workers: 21%
  3. Hispanic workers: 16%
  4. White workers: 14%
  5. Annual household income less than $48
  6. 000: 28%
  7. Annual household income from $48
  8. 000 to less than $90
  9. 000: 19%
  10. Annual household income from $90
  11. 000 to less than $120
  12. 000: 12%
  13. Annual household income from $120
  14. 000 to less than $180
  15. 000: 10%
  16. Annual household income more than $180
  17. 000: 10%
Notes: Based on a West Health-Gallup Healthcare Study conducted March 15-21, 2021 (n=3,870).